Monday, January 28, 2002


at sister's hizzouse! on her computer!

take a test about me. now, dammit.

sorry it's only five questions. i got bored!

Sunday, January 20, 2002

maybe i'll call it an elegy for what should have been.


Tuesday, January 15, 2002

so everything's moved in, i got the damned school to give me my money, my comedy writing prof used to write laugh in, and i saw a bitchin' car wreck today.

anyone miss me?

Friday, January 11, 2002

ps, i'm pissed no one told me about death cab for cutie. well, i mean, i guess dr cool did when he put them on a mix cd, but it's not the same. not the same, damnit!



(don't mind me, going crazy over here...)
so in a little more than twelve hours, i'll be leaving again, heading back to the place i still think of as home.

i have had five months to get my head on straight, and get out of bed in the morning. (motto: hey, you got up today! better than before, right!) i feel like jessie fucking spanno when she was spazzed out on those caffeiene pills, screaming im so excited im so excited oh im so so scared and collapsing into zack's arms. despite the fact that i have no zack's arms to collapse into, i'm rather independent and wouldn't do it anyway. but i still feel like that.

its been a nightmare trying to get everything straight with financial aid and i wont get to register for classes until monday. and then, and then, in four months i'll be a full-fledged college graduate.

and i still have no idea what i want to do with my life (once you take trophy wife off the list.)

and i dont i dont i dont know where im going next with this.

Thursday, January 10, 2002

i was thinking about it, and i'm pretty sure why there have been so many plane crashes in the last couple of days.

it's because jesus is pissed.

i've long thought that jesus was against air travel (slogan: why fly when you can walk on water, you lazy fucks? you could totally just fall out of the sky and shit.) but now he's really showing his displeasure.
the problem with flying by the seat of your pants is that it's SO FUCKED UP when things go wrong.

who wants to give me 20000 dollars to make my life gleeful?

(ps, hi danny!)

(pps, hey, matt, i wasn't as surprised to see danny as i was to see that you had GUEST COMICS. :P)

Monday, January 07, 2002

maybe y'all don't know, but i had to go to community college this semester. when i checked my grades today, i saw that i had a d. that was the worst thirty dollars i ever spent.

(panicked and not funny tone due to blogger downtime!)

Saturday, January 05, 2002

confidential to matt: songs you need to download right now. moldy peaches - jorge regula, nothing came out, steak for chicken, downloading porn with davo, anyone else but you, and lucky charms. then get back to me, foo.

Friday, January 04, 2002

a whole day of it. and i will miss you so much.

(i have stories i can't write until you're gone)
you know, even if it's not the person you expected to hear it from, someone telling you that you look great is always nice. especially when it's someone who you may have had the aforementioned sex-ay dream about.

and then i see him (because third person doesn't work right now, it's not appropriate for what i'm saying) and i melt all over again. his hair looks lovely and i ache when he's there. and i think, i know, that i'm aching for what i won't ever have. (it's time to own up to it, right?)

(of course, i'm drunk enough (for the first time in a long time really) that i'm resembling matty's cartoon)

(thanks, matt :)

Wednesday, January 02, 2002

now look, i know the hamster dance sucks. but the mathowie dance indeed does not. it's the funniest thing ever por vida. HAH. now i want a pony.

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

ps, dear subconscious, i forgot to thank you for that extra sex-ay dream the other night.
i don't think your birthday is supposed to depress you when you're only turning 22.

i'm reminded, however, of one of my favorite quotes: "life seems at once too short and too long."

bonus points to the kiddie who can name that tune.

hope y'all had a better day than i did.